Custom demos

While cortex has built-in functionality, but it is meant to meant to be used with your own modules. An example of making a model that works with cortex can be found at: and

Documentation on the API can be found here:

For instance, the demo autoencoder can be used as:

python cortex/demos/ --help

A walkthrough a custom classifier:

Let’s look a little more closely at the autoencoder demo above to see what’s going on. cortex relies on using and overriding methods of plugins classes.

First, let’s look at the methods, build, routine, and visualize. These are special methods for the plugin that can be overridden to change the behavior of your model for your needs.

The signature of these functions look like:

def build(self, dim_z=64, dim_encoder_out=64):

def routine(self, inputs, targets, ae_criterion=F.mse_loss):

def visualize(self, inputs, targets):

Each of these functions have arguments and keyword arguments. Note that the keyword arguments showed up in the help in the above example. This is part of the functionality of cortex: it manages your hyperparameters to these functions, organizes them, and provides command line control automatically. Even the docstrings are used in the command line, so other users can get the usage docs directly from there.

The arguments are data, which are to be manipulated as needed in those methods. These are for the most part handled automatically, but all of these methods can be used as normal functions as well.

Building models

The build function takes the hyperparameters and sets networks.

class Autoencoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder):
        super(Autoencoder, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.decoder = decoder

    def forward(self, x, nonlinearity=None):
        encoded = self.encoder(x)
        decoded = self.decoder(encoded)
        return decoded


    def build(self, dim_z=64, dim_encoder_out=64):
        encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(28, 256),
            nn.Linear(256, 28),
        decoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(28, 256),
            nn.Linear(256, 28),
            nn.Sigmoid()) = Autoencoder(encoder, decoder)

All that’s being done here is the hyperparameters are being used to create an instance of an nn.Module subclass, which is being added to the set of “nets”. Note that they keyword ae is very important, as this is going to be how you retrieve your nets and define their losses farther down.

Also note that cortex only currently supports nn.Module subclasses from Pytorch.

Defining losses and results

Adding losses and results from your model is easy, just compute your graph given you models and data, then add the losses and results by setting those members:

def routine(self, inputs, targets, ae_criterion=F.mse_loss):
    encoded =
    outputs =
    r_loss = ae_criterion(
        outputs, inputs, size_average=False) / inputs.size(0) = r_loss

Additional results can be added similarly. For instance, in the demo classifier:

def routine(self, inputs, targets, criterion=nn.CrossEntropyLoss()):
    classifier = self.nets.classifier

    outputs = classifier(inputs)
    predicted = torch.max(F.log_softmax(outputs, dim=1).data, 1)[1]

    loss = criterion(outputs, targets)
    correct = 100. * predicted.eq( / targets.size(0)

    self.losses.classifier = loss
    self.results.accuracy = correct


Cortex allows for visualization using visdom, and this can be defined in a similar way as above:

def visualize(self, images, inputs, targets):
    predicted = self.predict(inputs)
    self.add_image(, labels=(,,

See the ModelPlugin API for more more details.

Putting it together

Finally, we can specify default arguments:

defaults = dict(
        batch_size=dict(train=64, test=64), inputs=dict(inputs='images')),
    optimizer=dict(optimizer='Adam', learning_rate=1e-4),

and then add to __main__:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    autoencoder = AE()

And that’s it. cortex also allows for lower-level functions to be overridden (e.g., train_step, eval_step, train_loop, etc) with more customizability coming soon. For more examples of usage, see the built-in models: